Digging In Your Heels
October 14, 2024 (updated from October 2, 2023)
The ground, the earth, the soil where roots grow. Our foundations need to be built, and nurtured to stay solid. They are what help us maintain our life’s balance. For whatever reason, when you feel like you are about to topple, start there – your foundation. There are simple asanas that you can do to get your feet back on solid ground.
This is very simple, and the best way to achieve grounding through meditation is to do it outside! Walk barefoot through, then sit in, the grass! Day or night doesn’t matter, just be among the dirt.
Mountain Pose
The mountain pose is the base for all yoga poses. It’s also very simple, but it’s more than just standing still. The technique is to stand tall, with your head slightly tilted back to align your entire spine, top to bottom. This is a great time to include a prayer mudra or mantra.
Tree Pose
The tree pose is a variation of the mountain pose, in that it starts by standing straight, then bending one of your knees and resting your foot against the other leg. This is also a great time to include a prayer mudra or mantra. If you have center-of-gravity issues, start small; rest your foot against your ankle with your toes bent and rest your heel on the ground, while spreading your arms out from your sides likes wings. After time and practice, you’ll be able to inch your foot up and lower your arms.
Tips and tricks
If you should happen to feel yourself falling out of your pose, lean against a wall. You don’t have to use your whole body to do so, just a small part. For example, if you’re in a tree pose, and you can feel your body leaning, touch only the tip of your elbow to the wall to help with the grounding experience. The same goes for the mountain pose; touch the wall with the backs of your ankles instead of your entire backside. This isn’t necessarily a modification, but a “quick fix” for when you’re feeling off- kilter during your flow.
These are only two asanas among many that promote grounding. Do research and pick one that looks like one you would like to try. When you notice yourself feeling off-center, either physically or metaphorically, you have options. Find the best way for you to bring yourself back to your roots. Trees are grounded, tall and strong. Be the tree.
And drink plenty of water.