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Glands = Energy Centers = Chakras

June 27, 2024 (updated from April 20, 2023)

With so much buzz around spirituality these days, there is much that misrepresented, misunderstood and disbelieved, especially concerning chakras.

I would like to address some of those discrepancies here.

Are chakras real? Can you really “align” them? Isn’t that a Buddhist thing?

Yes. Yes. Yes. And also no. I’ll explain. Ready?

Cleansing breath

There are seven glands in the human body. There are seven energy centers in the human body. There are seven chakras in the human body. Is this just a coincidence? 


Chakra translates to circle or wheel. A wheel spins, as does the energy in our bodies. The energy centers are located where there is a gland. A gland produces hormones that regulate the energy that is produced in the cells in our bodies.

Pituitary gland/crown chakraknows what the organs need to do and when= highest power, all knowing

Pineal gland/third eye chakradeciphers light from dark= knowledge, discernment

Thyroid gland/throat chakra: regulates your metabolic heart rate= courage to communicate

Thymus gland/heart chakra: protects the immune system by producing blood cells that protect the heart= love and feelings

Adrenal gland/sacral chakraproduces hormones such as androgens, estrogens and adrenaline=sexuality, creativity

Pancreas gland/ solar plexus chakra: produces insulin that regulates blood glucose (energy) and allows for exercise and healthy brain function= confidence, self-esteem

Reproductive gland/root chakrasexual reproductive organs, beginnings of families = root


How can you “align” the glands in your body, as is referred to by “aligning” your chakras?

A simple definition for align is to put in proper working order. When one of these glands isn’t working properly, it can cause emotional distress along with physical distress.

For instance, if the thyroid gland isn’t working properly, it can cause irregular heartbeats and high blood pressure. When we are nervous to speak in front of a large audience, does our heart not tend to beat faster and our cheeks turn pink from an elevated blood pressure?


So, how is sitting still with your eyes closed going to help, it’s not medicine.

Oh, but it is. It’s mind medicine. The mind and the body have the capability of a love/hate relationship. So many of our thoughts affect our bodies, as in the above example. If we are laying in bed worrying about a meeting that we have the next day, or a date that we have on the weekend, or what the doctor is going to say about the extra eight pounds we “acquired” since our last visit, how does that manifest physically? Upset stomach, headache, restlessness. We’ve worried ourselves sick! And if we’re not aware, we can worry ourselves to death!

Sitting still, in a peaceful and quiet environment, can bring our bodies back to our minds. We can quietly acknowledge that there is a twitchy feeling in the left foot, but we can let our minds move away from that feeling and forget about it altogether (if you are experiencing undeniable pain, readjust - it's not worth risking an injury).

When we stop giving it attention, it goes away in that we don’t notice it anymore. It is completely possible that we manifest so many of our ailments; by simply thinking about them, we give them life and a purpose. If we tell ourselves that we’re going to have a headache after the quarterly budget meeting, then we’re going to have that headache. We didn’t predict the future, we created it!

If you take the time to align your chakras/energy centers by acknowledging the fact that if we feel something (body), but choose not to give it attention (mind), we can rid our beings of it and see a few more sunrises (soul).


Love each other,





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